If you client is having trouble receiving Matrix emails, please have the follow the step below.


How to whitelist SaskMLS direct/auto emails:


Please add our “from” address (SK@canadawestmatrixmail.com) to your Google contacts list. To add us to your contact list:

  1. Navigate to contacts.google.com and log in to your google account if not signed in already.
  2. Click “Add Contact”, then “Create Contact”.
  3. Copy and paste our “From” address, SK@canadawestmatrixmail.com, into the email address field. You do not have to enter the other information, but you can if you like.
  4. Click “Save”.

Missing an email? Check if our email and/or newsletter is in the “Spam” folder:

  1. Click “Spam” along the left side of any Gmail page.
  2. If you see any SK@canadawestmatrixmail.com email listed among the messages in this folder, check the box next to our email.
  3. Click the “Not Spam” button along the top.


Windows Live/Hotmail:

Please add our “from” address (SK@canadawestmatrixmail.com) to your Contacts. To add us to your Contacts list:

  1. Open your mailbox and click on the contacts icon in the bottom left of the screen.
  2. Click the “New Contact” button in the top left of the screen.
  3. Copy and paste SK@canadawestmatrixmail.com into the email address field.
  4. Click the “Create” button.

Missing an email? Check if our email is in your “Junk Email Folder”. If it is, open the email and click the “Not Junk” button.



You will need to set up a filter to redirect our email into your inbox:

  1. Open your mailbox and click on “Mail Options” (upper right hand corner).
  2. Select Filters.
  3. Click the “Add” link on the filters page.
  4. Update the “From Header” rule with the following two pieces of information: “SK” and “@canadawestmatrixmail.com”.
  5. Click the “Choose Folder” pull-down menu and select “Inbox”. Pick the “Add Filter” button.



  1. In Contacts on iCloud.com, select the Add (+) button in the sidebar, then choose New Contact.
  2. Enter SK@canadawestmatrixmail.com into sending email address field. Enter any placeholder for the other information required.
  3. Select “Done”.